Saturday, October 29, 2005

Why do I?

Why do I feel all of a sudden sick! A guy who I do not like or am I attracted to....thinks I am his wife( God told him, but apparently left me out in the mix)! Not very fun! Then I talked to two other guys who want to marry me or me to have thier babies, which niether are going to happen! I don't care how bad I want to have sex! Something is definetly happening!

I want to write more to express what is in my heart! There is so much that I need to just relieve my heart from, but will not right now for the sake of who might be reading this! If it were just my Mumby family, katieann,and Steph, then I wouldn't mind but it is really very personal to me and Im not sure I want to include the rest of the world in on it right now!

Im very numb right now it might be due to the 3 smirnoffs I just downed but Im not sure I think it also my emotions that feel that way! Could it be that LOVE is the most painful and joyful thing you will ever experience, provoking every emotion you have to the extreme! That love has everything to offer but also everything to take away! never knowing where it will take you and scared to go, but knowing you will regret it for the rest of your life if you don't? Love is the extremity of life! It provokes desire, your wants and what you don't want, making you go to the extreme to get what you want and don't want! NOW I know why God picked it to live by! It makes life full of adventure, fun and exciting, sad and strange, feeling every part of your heart...that is LOVE!!! Sometimes not very fun but such is life....

I love Jesus!


Blogger Bound4Life Edmonton said...

Hey PC....we have a friend who also has a stalker who thinks God told him that our friend is his wife to be. Our friend told him point blank that there is no way on God's green earth that he has any chance! Not to be discouraged our stalker guy will have none of it, it God said it then that settles his mind anyway. So he continues to call, send gifts, and be annoying. He claims that this is the same way his parents met, his Dad just kept it up and eventually his Mom "saw the light".

I would encourage you if you cannot extract expensive gifts from these desperate and lame boys for a prolonged period of time to crush their hearts with ruthless feedback. I think lots of women are just too nice to these retards and it gets perpetuated. These guys are using manipulation and control that hinges on dragging God's name through the mud so they don't have to risk rejection. Unfotunalty it is rejection they will get and a mother load of it I may add!

Why don't I wax on a little more. Right around the time I met Bobbie a 45 or so year old woman who was sort of mentoring me at the time decided to fall in love with me. She told me she loved me and didn't know what to do with her feelings. I was 22 at the time and obviously had to end the friendship and find myself another mentor, maybe one with character this time!! Oh yeah another one of my great stories is how this gay guy in our youth cell group had a crush on me and wrote me letters and poems—that was a fun one too!

Well don't let it bug you too much. When you're HOT you're HOT, there is not much you can do about it!!!!!

10/29/2005 9:02 AM  
Blogger Simeon said...

When you got it you got it. I know and recognize it in you because yes, I have "it" too. The it I'm referring to is the illusive concoction of charm, wit and sheer sexiness that acts as a magnet for the deluded. I haven't actually had anybody say that they want to marry me or even date me but I know that they are out there....dreaming about it.
My proposal for us to keep such twits at bay is punching them in the stomach. I know it sounds rough but obviously reason and tact don't do the job. If that fails to affect them (which it may not) then you call poppa simi and I'll give em crotch shot.
I love you, (but not like that)

10/29/2005 10:34 AM  

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