Tuesday, November 01, 2005


November is here! I love November it has the potential for bueatiful days and cold nights! A nice fire and roasting marshmellows on an open fire somewhere out in the middle of nowhere with a guitar and a few good friends worshiping Jesus! I like the sound of it! Having moments with Jesus, living in the NOW! Ya know I think we miss Jesus so much! SO many times we are looking for the glory cloud in the sky and we miss what He is doing right NOW in the moment! You know that is the enemies tactic, DISTRACTION! If He can get us thinking about tomorrow, and how He is gonna show up tomorrow, then we have forgotten about today, what He is doing in the moment of NOW!

Recognizing the beauty in the clouds, flowers, trees, the relationships you have right NOW, how you can effect your world around you right now! What is He doing right NOW? Are we willing to see it, what is already done! Make sure today is the day that you live in today! Live in today, Live where you are! Where ever that may be, live there! Because Jesus is there where ever you are! Live in the NOW!!!!!


Blogger Simeon said...

I should come and visit

11/01/2005 5:56 PM  

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