Thursday, December 22, 2005

Have I ever....????

Have I ever told anyone about my family, besides the fact that it is jacked the freak up!

I have an older sister who is 29, her name Rebekkah! She is really funny, if you think i am funny i have nothing on her. She is tall and really little, meaning skinny!

My two older brothers Andrew, and Michael are 27! They both have children. Andrew has three Anna, Grace, and Jackson. Thier pictures are on myspace. Andrew is a super funny guy as well. Like have me rolling and crying I am laughing so hard. Michael has two children, Solomon and Tava! Michael is very serious! He is the ony serious one in our family, the rest of us are clowns!

Matthew is my twin and we are 25! Matthew has a daughter whom is almost a year! Matthew is very sweet and caring! I remeber he use to always watch out for me, and annoy me with hugs when we were little. I was stubborn and fiesty! He was compassionate and loving and very giving! He always shared with me. He is living in Miami right now and didnt even tell me! I miss my brother and wish we were as close as we use to be!

It is kinda sad, I really dont know my sibilings anymore! we use to be alot closer than what we are now, well anything than what we are now. We arent even celebrating Christmas, how sad is that? But ya know even though my family is screwed up I still love them so much. I miss being around them. I use to think my brothers and sister were the funniest people I knew. They are still pretty funny. I do love my family no matter how they treat me, they will always be MY family. I pray one day there is restoration.

I remember when Matt and I were younger, if he was aggervating me which was all the time, everyday! I would tell my brothers Andrew and Micheal: "Hey andrew, Matthew just said you have a fat head and he could beat you up if you come in here" I would yell that into the other room, and here would come my brothers to beat matt up! And then I would run into my room and lock the door so Matt wouldnt try and beat me up. It was the only way I could get Matt to leave me alone, unless I jabbed him with a fork on his hand to leave me alone. Crazy huh? yeah I have done that before. I use to be so mean to him all the time, Lord forgive me! He is such a good person, he has such a tender heart. I love my brother, he use to tell me everyday how beautiful he thought I was! He was such a good brother, and I was probably an awful sister. I love Matt and believe so much in him.

Lord please bless my brothers and sister wherever they might be this Christmas season, may they know of your love and goodness. Shower down on them mercy and grace, may love be shown to them by any one person. Papa show yourself real to them and give them the desires of thier heart. Papa may thier kids know of your love and that thier dads are good people. Lord bless thier families and extend so much mercy please. Keep them safe and out of harms way. May thier decisions be based out of your love for them. Give them wisdom from above whether they realize that it is from you or not. Please keep my family safe where ever they are!


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