Wednesday, December 21, 2005


well another night...I promise I am not an alcoholic...I never drink, but there are exceptions, holidays being one of them. I figure I might as well drown my sorrows in something right? what better than jack himself with a little daniel on the side....hahaha kidding about the drowning part but they are becoming close friends of mine. I had a guy come over last night, I had a little to much to drink...and so did he...God forgive us! Kidding nothing happened, DAMN IT! He is super Hot and he did proceed to tell me how gorgeous I was, yeap that is right folks he used the word gorgeous. It almost made me cry, but that might have just been the alcohol talking, who kinos and who cares. He brought over some amazing cloves for us to kill ourselves with that was really nice of him. Did I tell you that this guy is really a hot, hot man! Forreals ladies, he is a hottie. MMMMMMMMM! ok enough of the lustful talk, Jesus forgave me already. He is a mess though! to bad! But we drank it up and had a good ol time talking about Jesus. then I went to bed and slept like a baby.......He told me I was hot, I really like that, he told me throughout the night. Man that never gets old someone telling you that you are beautiful. It was really a shock to me that he thought that, I am serious. You know I think that I am pretty, but for me to think that other people think that, is mind blowing, everytime I hear someone say it, it really just sends me spinning. I dont know why, but it does. I know Jesus tells me that, so I believe it! But I dont know why when humans tell me it is like I think they are from a different world, like they are looking at someone else. It is crazy but true. Well hats off to my friend with the drinks last night, thanks for a wonderful evening. It made my night to know someone as hot as yourself thinks Im beautiful, personality and all. He even complemented my butt, SCORE! that is awesome. It doesnt matter how much of a mess you are, great job making me feel pretty! I love the cloves to, I smoked them all, all two of them.

Also Im suppose to be going on this blind date, this guy wants to see a picture of me but I dont get to see one of him, yeah that isnt gonna work, I mean if I am as hot as Matthew said then, surely the guy will want to go out with me, but what if he is ugly? anyways, more on that when it happens, I will keep you posted!


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