Sunday, December 11, 2005


I am often speechless in the presence of our King! He is so good and amazing! I love Him so much. I am often in awe at His goodness! He is GOOD! He doesnt know how to be anything other than what He is! I have heard tons of testimonies of His amazing goodness through out the last 5 years and often am still amazed at His goodness, but today a testimony was given that hit me with a new revelation of His love!

A young girl at church brought her grandmother to hear Bill Johnson, actully to get prayer b/c she had cancer, a tumor in her chest. Well she got prayer by the ministry team and they also prophesied over her and her coughing stopped, she wasnt coughing anymore from the cancer. Good right? well days later she started coughing again but it wasnt from the cancer it was from the radiation, they radiated her too much, and when they had taken an xray of her chest the tumor was completley gone, it had disappeared!

That is GOD'S GOODNESS! He is just so good! Now I have heard tons of testimonies about tumors disappearing, and cancer being healed, and much much more! But this was such a new level of his goodness, it was like I had heard a testimony for the first time, it was crazy but I am liking it. This last weekend has been so fresh and renewing to my mind. I love Him so much it is crazy, it is like I am seeing Him for the first time! It is very overwhelming, His goodness is overwhelming!

He just likes to give us good gifts, He just likes to overwhelm us with His goodness. He told us whatever we ask for He will give us. Just ask and if we believe when asking we can have it. He is so good, He really really is, He really really is, He is just so good!

So Lord I am asking "Can I have it?" I want it so bad, Can I have what I want?

In His goodness, I trust and I know that He is faithful in His goodness. It makes my eyes tear up and then the river flows from my eyes b/c He is so good and I know that He IS! HE IS, HE IS! I just know that he is good, He is so freakin good! I just sit in His goodness with no words, just my heart knowing that He is good! My heart could never express how good He is, Never in all my life! He is just good!


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