Wednesday, May 03, 2006

another guy?

Im so glad that our fallability doesnt determine Gods soverignty. That is comforting. Im so in love with my Creator. I love Him so much.

Last night I had this dream about a rose...I dreamt that I had this rose and myself and another person kinda represented that rose. It was so was all about timing. It was about the timing of when the rose was going to bloom. So I looked up roses and found out that they are one of the flowers that require the most attention of the gardner. So God is the gardner and I am the rose. I like that, that means I get all of His attention, and my love language is quality time, hahaha! I had several dreams last night, they were interesting. I talked to this guy last night for about an hour and a half. He invited me to go to dinner with him and his family. Does that mean he is interested? Considering that we have never really hung out a ton, or was that him just being friendly? If you have any insight please let me know! I mean the first thing I thought of, was that he could be interested in me, but I seem to be wrong alot when it comes to guys, so Im not sure. I didnt go, but then we did end up talking for a while about some personal things but here again, I could be completely wrong, Im not sure I know how to read the universal language of is a mystery to me!!! So if you are a guy and reading this, and have insight please feel free to share...cause Im confused on this one. I mean the guy that gave me his number there was no doubt but when it is thrown out there like that was it is enough about that. I think Im starting to enjoy this (thinking that guys are attracted to me enough to do something about it)It has been foreign for so long, but Im getting use to it fast. J/K...I think I still need a sozo! haha well tell me what u think!

O, have I told anyone lately that I LOVE HOLY SPIRIT SO MUCH!!! Jesus is my first and only LOVE! dont you love that? I Do!


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