Tuesday, May 02, 2006


well what is there to say...

Johnny stop it

stop cheating on me with your eyes

I know you are in love with me, stop it johnny, stop it

stop looking at me johnny, stop it

I talked to a old friend today...it was so good. I forgot how much I love him.
last night I went out with a friend and we ate, laughed, and had a good time and when we were done asked for our food to be boxed...well when we got home we put it in the fridge. Then this afternoon we were like o, our salads, we forgot about them, so I pulled my salad out and on top of my salad was a napkin with a phone number and name on it telling me to call him pretty much it was hilarious. Then, the last 3 sundays at church a different guy has come up to me wanting to "get to know me better"! I mean what is going on, WOW! it has been a sight to behold that is forsure! It is so funny because I am always truly shocked when guys hit on me, I truly never think guys are interested in me, b/c for so long they have never shown any. It is definetly taking some getting use to. B/C I definetly am not. I mean really why do they want to get to know me? Yeah I am fun, and funny, and occasionally I look alright, I love Jesus...but what is it really? I have yet to figure it out! I am just surprised that guys are finally coming up to me, I use to think that there was something wrong with me, but Im guessing it is just the guys insecurity now, and it isnt so much me anymore. I guess we will see. I would go out with a few but none have really struck my fancy, and besides back in October I did that whole dating a few guys and it wasnt really fun anyways, and at the time I really liked this other guy and they just didnt compare to him. The connection wasnt there with the other guys like it was with him. So I guess I will just wait for a connection, and that is a rare occasion, so who knows how long that could be! There have been a few guys calling me here lately, out of the sky, maybe something will happen with one of them, hell who knows, and honestly I dont know that I care. It is funny how when you are completely content how they come out of the most unlikely places. Well anything and everything is possible right? I guess only time will tell what happens!


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