Saturday, July 08, 2006

again..that place

more than words can say... i need you. show me your face Papa. Show me your face Jesus. What does that look like? i hear you telling me to take the step, to look again, to go there and although i know you think i might be ready, i dont know that i am. how did i get here Jesus? and are you really asking me to go there or is it just my fear that leads me there? once again im not sure. i just know that i need you. i need you. i need you. i know what this requires, i know what you are asking of me and i really dont think that i can do this. i asked you to give me a reason to go to that place and you said "arent I enough?" man that got me bc you are...more than enough. you are the only reason i need but apparently it is taking me some time, baby steps, i even need my hands held bc i cant stand on my own. i was processing this with mallory and that is always helpful, but right now i need Jesus, i need to process this with Him. give me something profound, something simple, anything that will help. just let me be with you. i love you Jesus. I just love you.


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