Thursday, July 06, 2006


all i want to say is THANK YOU! i love you(my friends)so freakin much. i am so blessed to be loved so much. I dont think that my words could ever express how much love i have in my heart for you. Mallory i am so rich to have someone like you in my life. even now my heart is overwhelmed with love for you. please dont ever leave me. i dont how i would survive. thank you to all the people that helped with my amazing gift. i love it so much i am using it even now, writing this. Josh you made the night. i dont think i have ever laughed as hard as i did last night. at one point i felt my face turning blue, bc i clouldnt breathe litterally, you are amazing no matter how lazy you are. i absolutely love you. colin, yes you are amazing also. you made a great speech and cant wait for our movie to come out. it is gonna rock. fitzy's, i am just blessed that you came, just that in itself mademe feel loved. i mean c'mon now, dave and peggy came to my bday party and then stood up and told me how much they loved me. now that is priceless. lauren, well it was just good to see you since i havent really in the last 2 months. to everyone else thanks, i love my gift it is AMAZING! love it. love it. love it!!!!! did i tell u that i love it.


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