Wednesday, June 21, 2006

here i am

i remember the first glance, i remember the first romance, i remember the first dance when i fell in love with you. everyday this desire for the more of him and only him grows stronger and i dont know how to explain this. he is my first love, my true love and i need him and want him more than i have ever come to know. the last week i have been getting wrecked. it is like since saturday it has been a continualy thing of just where-ever i am, hs comes and i am getting more and more ruined for him. i love hs and i love what he does in my life. i feel this excitement for what is about to happen and i dont even know what that is. i just know that it looks like more of him and anything that has to do with the more of him is amazing. im ready hs, im ready jesus come and take me, use me do whatever you want, whatever that looks like i am completely abandoned to you. my answer is YES. i have come to far. my answer is yes, what is it that you want. here i am. tell me. jesus i am yours, your lover, your bride, yours and only yours. here i am.


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