Monday, July 17, 2006

i dont know/ to mallory

i have no clue what is happening. i think my heart might be confused as to what it is feeling and why. one moment i think yes and the next im not so sure. will it happen? i dont know. will i go? im not sure. do i want it? yes! Yes!YES! i do. i really just dont know. i can say with full confidence... i dont know. do i believe God is good..YES i do! but im not sure what to think right now of the current state that i am in and what that involves of me. here lately i have been feeling sick alot. maybe it is demons manifesting themselves in me.. haha and im not kidding. i think i need serious deliverance. .... so on that note...

Mallory- i love you so much and you are a much needed friend in my life. words, expressions, love doesnt seem strong enough to describe to you what my heart feels for you. so to the best of my ability of how much i love you. I LOVE YOU. maybe you will never really know until we get to heaven how much I love you. i would be a sad case here in nashville without you. girl, i just love you. i just do.
thanks for the party, you are truly amazing and it was a wonderful gift. the best birthday yet. thanks so much love ya.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

8/10/2006 9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

8/16/2006 5:31 AM  

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