Sunday, September 10, 2006

never ending goodness

africa sunsets, something that is neverending, like its beauty. I put this picture up bc it made me think of God's goodness and how it is never ending. can i just tell you all about the goodness of my God, My Daddy. I am so loved and have the favor of God on my life. Today I woke with a sense, a knowing that God's goodness was going to prevail. His soverignty will reign, will rule. After church today God provided, actually it was already done before that, it just manifested today. My school, my flights are completely paid for. God did it all. He is so good. as of thursday i had nothing, none of the money and had no idea where it was going to come from. 3 days later, here i am with all of it taken care of. My GOD is GOOD. all the time, He is faithful, and doesnt know how to do anything else. How good is My God? THAT GOOD, AND BETTER. He is even better than that, and better than that. His goodness is never ending. It is a continual thing just like time, it just goes on and on and on forever. It never ends.


He is just that good.


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