Thursday, January 11, 2007

a good thing

i have recently discovered something. well actually it was something that i already knew.

all our lives we(women) want someone to know that we are worth it. we want someone to come ridding in on a horse, charge thier swords and fight for us. we want someone to know that we are worth giving thier lives if need be. that they would go to the ends of the earth to win our love, no matter how many walls we have built, they will tare them down. no matter how long it takes in the process, this is what they want. the desire for us overcomes any fear. and it isnt that the fear is gone but they would much rather be scared with us in thier life then to be scared with us not there at all. desire is much stronger then the fear. dont we all want that? to know that we are worth it! of course we do. this is what we were created and designed for. i have a friend who has recently been thru alot. she has been engaged two times to two different guys in a years time. each time she trusted, was vulnerable to love. this thing we feel so deep in ourselves that is uncontrolable. she gave into to it. like we all long to do but never allow ourselves to get to that place of vulnerablitity. with both guys she put herself in that place of complete weakness, to say here i am giving myself over to this thing we call love. i chose to be selfless and chose you over myself. i will trust you. here i am, you can have me. and then both guys completely let her down. totally take all that love, all that trust and toss it out the window. as if to say all that you have given me was worth nothing. you are worth nothing. your heart isnt valuable to me. im in this world for myself. you are nothing. so to say the least she has been thru alot. but even after all that, she isnt bitter at her heart. she still believes in love. i had told her recently that she shouldnt be in a relationship, that she needed to get healing, her heart that is. and in the midst of her wanting that( to get healing) and thinking that it looks like what i have said that it should she has refused to get in relationships. not only because of my telling her but because of others giving this same advice. but in this time of her walking down a road of healing here comes this guy out of nowhere wanting to knock down any wall that she has built. he knows that she has issues, hurt and pain. but he is willing to pay any price because he has fallen in love with her. he saw her. he is fighting for her. the very thing she (we all) want is at a time when it looks inconvient. so she has pushed him away but he hasnt left because he knows what he wants. just because it doesnt look like what we think it should look like or what people tell us it should look like we dont do things that our heart is crying out for. we deny our hearts, the very cry of our hearts so that others can say" she is being responsible." well isnt that performance also. if your heart is saying one thing and your head the other which do you listen to? well i think that we listen to our hearts. i think that she should be with this guy, take another risk, and not give up on love. because love will never give up on her. will never give up on me. and that my friends is a very good thing. she has inspired me to not be bitter, not have unforgiveness in my heart. to not give up on love. she has inspired me once again to live from my heart. so i will, although scary and there will be much risk, im sure that in the end it will be worth it. and that my friends is very good.


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