Friday, January 12, 2007

london, LA, nashville?

i feel like i am in a whirlwind. maybe this is what they were talking about in africa "re-entering" the country. haha.

when i was in africa i had gotten this prophetic word from a girl who is well respected and very prophetic. it was funny to, because i remember that day so well. i was in my room and this is how my conversation went with Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit : "Priscilla i want you to go down to the tent today. she (remain nameless) has a word for you today"

Priscilla: "Holy Spirit i dont need a word, you tell me everything."

Holy Spirit: " Priscilla go down there"

Priscilla: "do i really have to, i dont wanna."

Holy Spirit : "PRISCILLA" (sternly)

Priscilla: "ok"

so i ended up at the tent, needless to say. worship was going on, i left. haha. Holy Spirit told me to go back, so i did. then the prophetic words starting spewing out of this womans mouth. and i knew that i would be the last one called. you have to understand, i have made myself hidden from anyone and everyone. i didnt want anyone to know anything about me. so this was hard for me, to be called up front and prophesied over.

she gave me this word that was really amazing though. i mean it was all stuff that i already knew, but it was awesome. and up until this point i was wondering why did God do that, but now i understand why. I thought that i was going to be in london for a long time. i thought i was there for at least a year. I sold or gave away everything in the journey of moving to london. and once i got there, when i landed, HS says to me " this isnt your home, america is and you wont be living here, you will only be here for short seasons." well Holy Spirit that would have been helpful information to tell me before i sold and gave everything away. so, im in london and trying not to think about what i was just told, i just want to enjoy where i am now. i want to live for the now. so anywho, i go to africa and im feeling the same thing, i thought what would happen would be this. i would get back from africa, and be in london until march at least. then come back, and do im not sure. but at least until march everything was worked out. well after africa, i arrived in london, and the day comes when the decision was made. im going home. im going back to america. the living situation didnt work out for me to be in london at this time. my friend hadnt been able to move into her flat, and i was going to be staying with her. so i had no where to stay. so home here i come. well while i was in africa, this woman kept telling me over and over that she saw me in LA. she said i see a geographical move for you, i keep seeing you in LA. so you have to know something, last summer tried to move out there, it wasnt time. my heart has always been divided with LA. there is a part of me that wants to, but there is a part of me that is really scared. mainly just because i really want to have the accountablitly. but i know alot of people in LA. i have some friends out there so it might be fine. i was just talking to a friend and i realised soemthing. when i was in london and africa, i had so much favor. it was a tangible favor, a noticable favor. since i have been back i have noticed that it doesnt feel like i have it here, in nashville that is. maybe im suppose to be in LA. im not sure. but that seems to be the only thing that has been consistent since i have been back. i want to go out there and check it out, and i feel that im suppose to do so. i was already planning on going out there in the next month or two. so we will see what happens.

there is a fashion school out there that starts in april. april, that seems ideal. it gives me enough time to make some money and then move out there. i have to find a place to live and all. soemthing that is walking distance to school and work. so who knows. my friend told me that the word for the week was "move west young man" i feel that. the thought of moving to LA is the only thing right now that seems like a "yes" so who knows. i need to pray and fast(haha me fasting, yeh right) im not that spiritual. haha well off to the prayer chambers.


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