Thursday, March 22, 2007

a dream

another moment. i was visiting a website of a ministry that i use to be part of. as i was looking over it, it made me sad. my heart started to break as i realised that what God has intended for His bride and the world, we have missed. it isnt about works. it isnt about God saving us or them. it isnt about worshiping Him or any of that. it is all about relationship. Him loving us. i have often heard this phrase "your kingdom come your will be done ..ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN" what was the one thing that Jesus focused on more than anything else when He was on earth. His relationship with His father. that was what he constantly had in mind. nothing else, nothing more. let me get away so i can find out much my Father loves me today. that was His heart. He was the son of God but still needed to know that God was well pleased with Him. do you get that?!?!?! we have to know that we are loved. nothing else matters. that is his will on earth as it is heaven,to know that we are truly loved just for us. if you dont know that He loves you, then where is all that goodness flowing from? works? a performance mentality? all that goodness is only good when it flows from the abundance of His love for us and when we know it. other than that it really it isnt good. it is creating a false truth. and eventually if you are really seeking God what will happen is the that kingdom that you are building will get knoocked down all the way and the world you just created will be no more. you will have to rebuild from the ground up and that isnt fun. get this now. lets get this now. the real truth. it is about love. that is it. Him loving us. He isnt in this thing to change me. change will happen. it always does with or without god. change is a constant. He is just in this to love me. and the more i know that he loves me, the more i will want to be around him. im telling you God is shaking people to the core of who they are, whatever is made of man is getting broken and will not be replaced. God is being hastened to come back for his bride and unfortunately it wont look like most think it will.

i had a dream about 2 men.

the first was on a platform and it looked like what we would call "revival'. people were getting healed, miracles after miracles, the "gospel" was being preached.

the second man was in a prison cell. He had tattoos all over him, long hair in a pony tail. he was a rough looking dude. he looked hard to the core. and he was in prison for murder.

the dream kept switching scenes to the first man and then the second, several times it would switch scenes. then the man in prison fell to his knees and started to sob, forgiving his grandmother, and he went down a list of people that he was forgiving and then asking for forgiveness. as this was happening the two scenes were side by side and God showed up and points to the man on the platform saying " for too long you have called this righteous" and then he pointed to the man in prison and says " but this is what i call righteous, if you want to learn my ways this is what it looks like"

that has stuck with me for the last month. His ways are not going to look like what we have preconcieved in our minds. he is ready to destro to the core what the enemy has built, and strangely enough the enemy always bulds things that look to similar to the truth, or what we want to believe is the truth.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an intense dream.

Your post makes me think about the parable of the foolish virgins. Oil for your lamp is not something you can share, for relationship with Christ must be fueled in intimacy. This is earned through time and commitment. When the end comes, only those believers who have paid the price to know Jesus well long before, will make it through.

Father, helps us love Him rightly.

3/23/2007 9:21 AM  

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