Sunday, March 11, 2007

i wonder ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?

another time for being real. something i just want to try out. for the last two months i have tried this whole dating thing right? have even dated some guys that are out of my norm. meaning they werent christians...i had questions?!?!?! really i did. but after a little experience in it i feel like i have swung around full circle to where i was. mainly i felt like i was on a rebound from a relationship i was never in, but my heart was. the question still remains do i have feelings for this person, well lets just put it this way. im not where i was with it 2 months ago, but i would love to try it out. to see if there is something there. does he know this, probably not. i think he still has a girlfriend. im not sure though. mainly i want to there something there? i know that he has to have thought about it. we get along so well, or so i think we do. we know each other well, lets just see... if it doesnt work, ok fine then, but at least there wont be that question there lingering in my mind. i can like other guys, i have before. the last 2 months have been full of being interested in guys. and really willing to be in a relationship but it just hasnt worked out. and i keep going back to this person...wondering...questioning?!?!?!? could there be?!?!?! maybe?!?!?! im not sure. but id like to give it a shot. he is one of my best guy friends. ive seen him be a jerk, ive seen him be serious, be funny, boring, amazing, holy, a heathen( hhahaha) ..i feel like i have seen him in alot of areas in his life and i still think that he is one of the best men i have ever met. he truly is gold. i just think the world of him. and even if nothing ever happens, and all we ever are is only friends, i will still think that he is equally amazing...why? because i just love who he is. he is just a great guy. he is a good friend. one of the best.


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