Monday, April 09, 2007

another wave

"another wave crashes on the shore. today is the hottest day since i have been in africa. although i am in the shade i can feel the sun beating down on me. eveyone is in class, and im here in my usual spot. sitting at the beach feeling closer to holy spirit than ever before. im just waiting. waiting for class to be over to hang out with grace, tyer or alex, which ever comes first. waiting for holy spirit to tell me something more certain about london. waiting for holy spirit to tell me something profound in general. i am in africa suppose to be having the most life changing experience ever. but as i wait, nothing. only a simple look as if to say, lets go for a walk. i like walking with you. that's it. just a walk. no talking, just walking. just being with me is all he wants. so we walk down the beach, i see a sail boat. i sit on the sand, enjoy the breeze and watch the ocean waves crash on the shore over and over. the water is so blue. the sand is so white. this is so beautiful. i am marveled at the beauty of His creativity. im just with Him, we are enjoying each other. its that simple. just to be with Him. just another day in africa. which was followed with much laughter and joy. simplicty can be the hardest life of all. today was one of the many that i enjoyed being silent with Holy Spirit, just listening, even if nothing was being said. sometimes the silence is the loudest expression of the heart."


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