Sunday, March 25, 2007

fair warning....

fair warning to all people in my life right now. im a bad person. im bad a relatioships in general. im selfish. im a bad friend. i pretty much suck right now. so if i have offended you in any sorry truly i am. hopefully in the near future i'll be a better person. so yeh. that is it. im hoping that it is all changing soon. ive totally hurt people that i love. 2 of the greatest people in my life. Lareasa and Mal. i love you guys and i hope that you know that. im sorry. im sorry. im sorry. i'll be gone soon enough and that should help a little bit. you guys are awesome, and i do love you. sorry that this season in my life you have walked with me thru it. i know that it hasnt been easy, but i am very grateful. to any other person that i have hurt, gosh... i dont want to know. im sorry so please get over it. i dont think that i can handle anyone else telling me that im an awful person or friend. just know that im sorry. ok ok. that really is it.


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