Thursday, April 05, 2007

i remember

this morning as i was ironing cothes for work..i remembered. i remembered the day i got back into the states arriving into nashville. it was wierd, the feeling i had, like this is home but it doesnt feel like it right now, i know i just got here, but i want to leave. not just nashville but, the US in general. so as i settled here trying to find a job and get a place, which ended up being mal's place... i forgot something along the way. i forgot what had just happened in africa and london. it felt like i hadnt even been there. i remember calling alex and ty saying "if feels like africa never even happened" it was the strangest feeling. it was almost obsolete. in essence forgetting lead me into a season that i wouldnt trade but would never ask to do over again and im glad that the worst part of it is over.....

it is 4am. my roommates are fast asleep as the sun is waking, and rising over the ocean. you can see the blue from where i sit. the americans are all asleep. but o, the africans wake as soon as the sun peeks thru, it is time to work. so i quitely, as quitely as you can, grab my bible, journal, and trusty ipod. i grab a white plastic chair, sit on my veranda, put my earphones in and listen to kimberly and beto. moments of silence pass. this is normal. but an unexpected, overwhelming sensation of Holy Spirit hits me, wave after wave. it continues for the whole time. wave after wave. my eyes are filled with tears, i recieve it Holy spirit is my only response. after about 30 minutes of this... he leans in and whispers in my ear "priscilla you bring me joy". an outburst of tears errupts. again "priscilla, YOU bring ME, the king of Kings, the one who created the universe, YOU bring Me joy" "it will never change, there is nothing you can do to change this" " I love you"

i forgot...but now, this morning...

i remembered.


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