Thursday, May 31, 2007

im just me.

alot is going on in me... there is so much i feel that im dealing with, and it is all good. God has really been giving me daily small revelations of my true value and worth. which are turning out to radically transform me. it just goes to show it really is the small things in life that change you. first i have realised so much, i am dramatic and im ok with that. that is how i was created.. i am fiesty, firey..always have been since i was little gurl..there are stories. i am a fighter. as much as i am those things, i am also sensitive. im both ends of the spectrum. strong but sensitive. and although you dont get to see those at the same time and maybe one more than the other, they are still both there. you see, i am a woman. a real woman. im seeing that i am treasure, i was created to be a crown. i have value and i hadnt really seen it before. i knew that i was loved but i didnt know my worth. im seeing it now, and it is making me more of who i am. all of me, and i like that. im becoming alive again. and i like that too. im not making excuses for who i am, im just me.


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