Wednesday, May 02, 2007


what is being righteous...what does that look like. the last month or so i often find myself thinking about being righteous and what that really looks like. ive been a bit confused bc about 2 months ago i had a dream about this man in prison, on his knees forgiving people and asking for forgiveness, weeping in the presence of God. and God called him righteous in my dream. He (being God) told me in the dream that his ways were not my ways and that i had been crying out to know his ways and that is what it looked like, the guy in the prison cell. so i have thought about that dream alot needless to say. but i just now opened my bible and came across another verse that said "herod was afraid of john bc he was a righteous and holy man" so that word coming up again i decided to look up the true meaning of might be surprised to know what it means...i was.

righteous- free from guilt or sin; genuine, excellent

well the genuine part stuck out to me, i looked up genuine... and check this out.

genuine- 1 a: actually having the reputed or apparent qualities or character b: actually produced by or proceeding from the alleged source or author c: sincerely and honestly felt or experienced d: actual, true 2: free from hypocrisy or pretense : sincere

isnt that interesting?!?!? being righteous is actually about being real, true to oneself. being the real thing, no hyprocrisy to oneself, ones true self. being real in your walk with God, whether you are off one day or totally on. living out loud, truly hands out seeing it all. isnt it interesting that in this day and age all you hear is people saying " just be real, just be you" the message to be righteous is being preached everyday we are just using the slang verbage. God is looking for a righteous people, a nation that will be righteous, a son and daughter, a be righteous, to be real. another part i found interesting was that it said, to be FREE from GUILT... that is cool.... and im to tired to go into that , i'll just leave that for another time.


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