Wednesday, June 13, 2007

all that is going on

the last time that i knew... which was a few weeks ago, i was staying in nashville. well that was the plan. but it seems that God always has a different one than i do and then later on i find out after i run my mouth...when will i ever learn?!?!?! haha. well i am officially moving to LA. i am moving with a good friend of mine danelle. we are very excited. we move the end of august, beginning of september. it was cool because i felt that june was going to bring change, but i wasnt sure what it was going to look like. but i could feel the change in the air, i litterally felt it. i dont know how to explain but i have felt this several times, when i moved to nashville from redding and so on. i feel good about it this time as well, that the timing is right. before when i felt LA in my spirit, i knew that it wasnt the right timing. im sure there was alot that was involved in that. but im loving that im learning how to truly embrace change and let go of the things that need to be let go of. in the meantime, im working at a bar. that is interesting!!! but it will be great money, and easy to save for LA. im so excited about moving, i wanna be out there tomorrow. im glad that i waited and didnt impulsively move out there in the spring, it would have been all wrong. this summer is going to be awesome. im excited about the call here in nashville. it will be cool to see what God does. ... and of course im dealing with issues, it is like i get a small break and then up again they come. well at least i had a small breather. i just want to look more like Jesus, know Holy Spirit better and know Daddy's love for me more. and if that means constantly going thru deliverance then so be it, it is well worth it. just as long as i do get the small breathing moments to catch my breath. Holy Spirit..i want to know you more. i need to know you more. please, it doesnt look like it use to, but im not sure that it would work anyways, please just show up..however that looks. i love you, and need you.


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