Thursday, October 20, 2005


Emily o how I love thee let me count the ways!

1. I love you forever
2.I love you b/c you are funny
3. I love you b/c you inspire me to love Jesus more. have great sense of fashion have a sensitive nose to smell
6.b/c your family is crazy
7. I just love you because....

Emily thanks for being in my life. I can't imagine it without you! It was a divine intervention for you to be my friend! Im excited to see where life takes us...Australia, Louisianna,New Zealand.....who knows but I want to go!

Love ya


Blogger Browning101 said...

I love you so much Pcilla! I wish I could talk to you...I feel like I have so much to tell you!!! I think it's because I actually do have lots to tell you!

I just drank a beer and now I feel a little sick...Goodnight and I love you!

10/21/2005 2:04 AM  
Blogger Mallory said...

eu te amo!!!!

sooo excited about our retreat!!!!

10/21/2005 7:51 AM  
Blogger Browning101 said...

I love pooping this time of year.

10/21/2005 12:47 PM  

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