Sunday, October 23, 2005

I love Sundays....good nap times

The day is damp,cloudy, and cold! And Im loving it! I never thought those words would ever come out of my mouth but they did! I was tired of the hot and humidity I could have died! I love the sun so I am sure that this will get old soon but for now Im enjoying it to the fullest!

This week is exciting Im going to go riding! I haven't ridden since the spring! It is a favorite past time! I use to ride in horse shows all the time growing up! I love the smell of horses, it is wonderful! Put me in a cowboy hat and I'll be hot to trot! Im excited about that! It is perfect whether for it! Also, my "FRIEND" Mallory gave this guy my number! WHY? I asked, b/c he asked and he is a great guy she said! Well Im not attracted to him and Im sure he is a great guy but Im not interested! Oh well what can it hurt I guess! At least he asked, I guess man enough to do something about it! Oh well!

also we are nominating this family for extreme home makeover and I know they will get it! So today we recorded thier house and information! They don't know about it! I can't wait to see what happens! Don't ask who it is, Im not telling! really don't ask!

Well worship was freakin amazing, Chris got back from Brazil and Davi, from Casa de Davi (he was taken up to heaven at 6 and healed from downs syndrome) and now is one of the most amazing worshippers ever heard! take you straight to heaven! anyways, Chris got an impartation from him and when he was down there Davi told him that he saw anangel giving him a golden guitar! Yeah it sounded like it today! But Chris is always extremely amazing! it was powerful, we got blasted Mallory, Emily and I! It was amazing!

So here is to getting wrecked.....Jesus come and let us drink more of your goodness and love in!


Blogger Mallory said...

oh my cila. you are the peanut on my butter. you are the apples to my oranges. you are the cherry on my cherry limeade. you are boo in my bugaboo. you are the shine in my sunshine. you are the hummus to my carrots. you are the oreo in my oreo blast. you are the ok, thats enough.

love your face.

10/24/2005 7:22 AM  

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