Wednesday, October 26, 2005


The timing is right NOW!!!! The spirit realm is talking to us, can you hear it? I can and it is saying NOW, NOW, NOW, NOW...

The timing is now for so many things.... but one particular thing...PROMISES! Isasiah 55:8-12,what He says does not return empty and it goes fulfilling what it was sent out to do(paraphrase)! his words, His promises don't return void, don't return empty! It goes and blooms, becomes fulfilled! That is what He is saying, The Spirit of God is going to and fro looking for someone to believe what He is saying! Who will believe in my promises? Who will listen and stand in faith believing what I have told them? Will you take me at My words? knowing that what I have said is Truth! I am truth! He is so good and He can't be anything other than what He is! He doesn't even know how to be anything but FAITHFUL to His promises! Do you believe that the timing is NOW? John 4 talks about how the disciples were saying that they still had 4 more months til harvest but Jesus said, if you look up and turn your eyes toward the father you will see that the fields are white for harvest NOW! Even though it might not look like it, take your place and believe that the timing is NOW! It is right NOW!!!!

Who will believe?

Who will stand in faith?

Who will believe that the timing is NOW?




Blogger Mallory said...


10/27/2005 11:15 AM  
Blogger ladyyvonne said... don't know me nor I you. I linked to your web page through Kayle's. He comes to our store to pray. Your word today was exactly what I needed to read today. Blessings!

10/27/2005 12:35 PM  

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