Thursday, November 24, 2005


Today as I was driving through a village of small towns I realized how much I loved small towns! There is something, a feeling I get when I am in them, a sense of value, tradition, and family that we miss in bigger cities! All the noise, busyness of life and chaos we tend to forget about what really is treasureable! Small towns have history, stories to tell and many secrets! Just go and ask the people living in them, I am sure they could sit you down and tell you amazing stories! Everyone knows who you are and all your business and although that could be nerve racking, small town people are also there for you when you need something, to lend a helping hand! So I guess we take the bad with the good! It is like that in anything I guess! We sign up for something, and take the bad with the good...we look for the treasure in things...looking for the gold! It is there we just have to train our eyes to see it! And we will! There is history and value in everything! I like old small towns and traditions! It makes me happy, change is good but sometimes things should stay the same! I like the sense of caring and love that you get from a small town! I like big cities, but I think we should go to small towns often to see what we are missing! And try to incorporate it with the big city life. In all of that it makes me really miss Redding! I miss it so bad tonight, I miss the sense of family that I had there, the safety of it all! I like risk but stability is also nice and I like the sense of stability I had from a family! I miss the Silks so much it hurts! All of my love to my family!


Blogger MaPaMumby said...

I really liked this. It made me feel good. Ma and I have a cabin at a lake and that's exactly how we feel when we go there. We ask ourselves why we live in the city. It is healing to be in places like small towns. There was a song when I was in College about people of the city "dying a little every day" and it's partly true.

11/24/2005 7:51 PM  

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