Thursday, December 08, 2005

God is GOOD!

This is really funny! I, me, Priscilla dont have anything to write about. I do actually but will wait for the appointed time that is right. My life is so much fun....have I ever told anyone that. I am glad that I am me...ok also I havent told this yet but I have two amazing testimonies!

1. I have been praying for a guitar for like years. And on friday a woman of God comes up to me and tells me that God told her to give me something. Now I have prayed for a really nice guitar, not a crappy one b/c i have had a crappy one before and it sucked. SO anyways, She gives me this guitar that is worth over 1200 dollars. How awesome is that. God is GOOD! All the time.

2. Last night my friend Vange's daughter who is 9 months old had a fever of 104.5 degrees. That is really high and really bad especially for a baby and she had it for about 3 days and wasnt breaking not even once. And last night when I called her sahara was moaning in pain and had been for hours and vange was getting worried b/c it was getting worse and I wanted to pray for her over the phone and vange put her little ears up to the phone and I prayed and she calmed right down slept thru the night and her fever broke and she is doing great. God healed her...How amazing is that! God is God and God is GOOD all the time. I love Him.

And that was me not having anything to write about.


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