Monday, December 05, 2005


Goodness from the house of the Father, My God is good all the time! I experience his goodness all the time. I love the people he has put in my life. I often thank Him for the people that shape my life. I have a friend that is amazing, we have had some speed bumps in the road but we seem to get through them and then it is great. God has so much goodness for this friend and loves him beyond compare, he is not a disappointment and will never disappoint. This friend is loved so much and God wants to rock his world with freedom, maybe that is why we are friends. God said hey, he needs her in his life, she will bring freedom. Which I believe is one of the giftings I walk in! Really what I want him to know is that I know what friends means to me and I believe in him and will not let the enemy rob this friendship of so many good things to come. Of course he has to want it, and I want him to want if he wants it, not for it to be an obligation. I am not expecting anything, not even friendship, but the offer is there, if he wants to be friends, then I am a pretty amazing person to be friends with, if i do say so myself. And I can tolerate peoples crap, meaning, we can work through anything. It doesn't change my opinion of them, I still love them, just because I love THEM! Not for what they can do for me or bring to my life but just because I love. I love deep and I love all the way. The people in my life I have chosen to keep in my life just because I love who they are. So my invitation stands, I am here as a friend, to listen, laugh, be truthful, honor you, to stand in the gap for you when there is no strength left, to hold up your arms when you are weak, to believe for you when you can't, I am here as a friend just to love you. I geniunely love the people God has placed around me and love them deeply and that means you. Through the good, bad and the ugly. The good outweighs the bad by all means.

all of me


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