Wednesday, December 07, 2005

much to chew on...

I have come to realize that change needs to happen, not b/c you get bored but because it will happen. Embracing change can be the most delightful thing we have ever done. The reason I am talking about change is because mine is changing even as we speak. My mind is changing even now as I write this. I am talking about the transformation of a renewed mind on a daily basis, I cannot stay in the same mindset. I have to consistently be willing to change whenever Papa wants me to, whenever there is revelation it will change you, your life style, the way you look at life. revelation is the tool to a renewed mind. The revelation of love and how it will effect your life. Have i ever told you that 1corinthians chapter 13 is my most favorite in the entire word. That everything is based on that, life is based on that...what is that? LOVE! I love, love. it is amazing how it changes people and there minds, how it is refreshing and beautiful and how it has so many layers to it. AAAAAHHHHHH I LOVE IT! I love the people in my life, I have much thanks to the people that have shaped who I have become and still becoming. Danny and Sheri, aahhhh my heart is so for them. I have so much love for them it is insane. I love them with a love that eternity seems to be to short for. I love them and they have helped me so much become who I am and to know who I want to be. Katieann, well need I say more. I just love her guts. The Mumby's I freakin love you guys so freakin much it is ridiculious. I am so glad that I am in your lives, even if just through blogspot.ok other peeps I love you to but my brain is on overload. It has been an intense three days and I am starting to feel the effects of it. I love you, if you are in my life, my heart has nothing but love for ya.....When I started to write this I had an entirely different intention then what I wrote. But anywho, gotta go.


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