Tuesday, December 06, 2005

this is to you

ok, my need to feel like I am really making up to you....I really mean it though! To one of the most amazing men of God I know. This person has the true character of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit. And he really cant disappoint me. Because my believing isnt nescesarily in him it is in the God in him and him wanting to please papa so much. So there, all those things I wrote about you, dont think they were true, I was just hurt. So it made them feel true. But I think you are truly one of the most amazing persons I have ever met and love your company and you are not boring. well...b/c I am not boring and could never be around boring people...or I would be bored and we know that doesnt work very well for me. It is just who you are, And this presents the perfect timing for me to write what I wanted to tell you....

You are amazing not b/c what you have or havent done, but just because you are you. There is hope in his goodness.There is life in knowing that God is good. He is really good and really faithful, He really really is!I feel like I am knowing this for the first time, its such a fresh revelation daily. He is GOOD, He is proud of you, He wants to know what do you want? what do you want? what does your heart tell you about life?, what is it scared of? what excites it? what is your heart saying.....listen to it? You dont have to be afraid! You are amazing b/c you are you, no other reason, not even b/c you love God, I mean yeah that makes you more amazing but, that isnt what got you amazing! I hope this isnt weirding you out, and I have said it before and here I go again, I just like who you are, not b/c of something you have or havent achieved, i just like being around you, your very presence, how you think and act, it is great! And I believe in who you are! I believe that you are a man who deserves honor and respect, a man of God with amazing character, integrity, a man of faith and a man who walks in love. A man truly after the Fathers heart, a man who looks and smells like Jesus. I believe that these characteristics just exsist in you and that isnt b/c you are trying your hardest but that is b/c this is how God made you, this is just who you are! No expectations, just be you, enjoy life, laugh alot, and have fun!


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