Sunday, May 28, 2006


it is a beautiful day. the sun is shining, every now and again the thunder rolls. im happy. im excited. im getting delivered. i dont feel fear. wow god that is co ol. he is the everlasting god, the everlasting god, he reigns forever. the defender of the weak, comfort those in need. he is the everlasting god. and that is cool. im here with my friend mallory and i love her so much. im so glad that she is in my life, she brings me life and that is cool. u know thosse people that u are around that make u come alive, well she is one of them. i know that as long as she is in my life im not alone, she gets it. and that my friend is amazing. i love meeting people that get it. man today is such a good day.i have a new friend, he is funny and loves hs. i like talking to him, he is pretty cool.

this morning in worship we were singing one of my favorite mclarney songs "i need u more" and as i was telling daddy this he said ok and started to show me the faces of the inner city kids here, and the broken, the poor, the desperate, he showed me more faces and told me that i had to see thier faces to see him. i cried and cried hs came so strong, he was wrecking me. i was getting wasted for what he is wasted for and i love that. my soul desire is to be with him and have more of him, that everything that i do permeates hs and his heart. so after church was over, i talked to a man that works with the inner city here in nashville and he has been telling me for at least a year that he felt like i was suppose to be part of what was going on. well this week i thought of him and his wife and was like i need to talk to them, touch base and find out what is going on. well he was there this morning and we talked. well mal and some other peeps and im getting on the band wagon, are starting a childrens center in nashville and i told this man, well he works with 2 non profit orgs. with the inner city and they are looking for a people and center to give food to, money to, and all sorts of amazing god stuff. it was really exciting. like i said today is a good day, but then again everyday is a good day, b/c everyday is a god day.

i'll just say this, b/c i said i wouldnt blog about it. im excited in what god is doing in my heart and spirit. im excited that i serve a god that likes to redeem and restore. im excited that i serve a god that has destined me for greatness. i can see the rainbow. it is so amazing, the colors are brighter than anything ive seen before and everytime i look at them i see it with new eyes and they get brighter. im just so excited. ha ha ha...i love joy.


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