Tuesday, May 23, 2006

"they poop too"

I was taking my usual morning stroll, and talking to HS like usual and it dawned on me....that people I highly respect, they poop too! I know that sounds random but this is how it went in my head, so you can all follow along. I was thinking about how all though we want something new and fresh, there is still something to be said about how it has always worked. God is the same today, yesterday and forever. But still always doing something fresh. With so me so far? Well I was thinking of all the men and women that I respect, and was thinking of them and how if I am not careful I can lose what really is happening and look at them. So in trying to keep perspective of what it is....HS goes "priscilla they poop too, they pass gas" and although that is a funny thing and trust me we laughed hysterically walking down the street, Im sure people thought "she is skitzo" but it was interesting, I mean I know that they are people just like any one else but really, when we see them, we see power and amazingness, which isnt bad at all, we should! but there also needs to be a balance. And that balance is that they poop too.So now when I see people that are the greatest and ....so on ...i'll think they poop too. So if I see any of you, and randomly start laughing...well it could be a number of things I have thought, but that is probably one of them. We all do it. Poop we all do it!

So on that note, Im not sure it all came out like I hoped but there ya go! Get drunk with HS and He'll tell you the same thing....hahahahhaha that is me laughing still b/c it is funny. Man God has such a sense of humor, to make us pass gas, fluff, toot, poot, whatever verbage you use for it, it is the funniest thing ever. I mean disgusting but hilarious. The sound of a poot, is frekin funny, it makes me laugh right now just thinking of it. goodness, Im glad I got HS sense of humor. I bet Jesus and the boys sat around the camp fire seeing who could make the loudest sound with the burp of a bottom. HAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHA....Im cracking myself up, what is new! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA


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