Saturday, May 06, 2006

starting to see...

time, really is on our side! And that is a comforting thought. In the last week I have realized that it is worth the wait, I will wait on the Lord! that we can depend on time to tell us what we are looking for, if only we will wait. In my life I have not been the most patient person, I want everything when I want it, and usually I get it, thanks to my personality. But I am learning especially in the last year that waiting isnt bad, it is just waiting, and that truly the saying "good things come to those who wait", it is true! I do want what I want but only in the right timing, timing is so important. The right thing at the wrong time, is still the wrong thing! TIMING IS EVERYTHING! So with all of that said, I will wait, I will wait on you Lord, to see your glory pass before me, to see all your goodness shine thru, I will wait on you! And I know that it is worth it, whatever comes of it, it is worth it! Im starting to see the truth of patience, Im starting to see that time will test our hearts and motives, Im starting to see that time will tell the truth, if we will only give it time! Im starting to see...


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