Saturday, May 06, 2006

true love

have you ever had those people in your life that just raise the bar, the standard for living? that raise the bar for love, and what it looks like? I am fortunate to have several of those kind of people in my life. One of which the very presence of him in my life makes me more hungry for Jesus. Actually all of the people that I am thinking of, all four of them, make me want Jesus more. I dont know exactly what it is about them, but I have such a strong love for them that I would give my life. I am so fortunate, so blessed to have such people in my life. I love you guys so much, my heart is totally for you, the best of what Jesus has for you, and I wont let you settle for anything less. I love that in my life, no matter where I am, I am surrounded by giant killers. These people not only would I give my life, I would trust them with my life. I am blessed to know what it really looks like to be in covenant relationship. I love them truly with such a supernatural Love that is Daddy's heart, I love it. And I love loving them. I Now Know what true love really looks like.


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