Saturday, September 16, 2006

how fun

well i believe that my car has been secretly preparing me for africa. haha. it is easily 120 degrees in my car in the middle of summer, you try that without air conditioning. haha. my body is use to the smell. hahaha, that made me laugh so hard, that the people around me were like what are you laughing at? i didnt tell them though. but for you guys, read it and weep, i mean laugh. anyways the real reason im writing is this. Laura(the other girl in the pic) and I are going to have an amazing time while im in london before africa. she has planned a mini vacay. im so excited. so i arrive in london, we hang for a bit then we are off to see delirious, that is rockin my boat for sure, i love them. then we wiz off a bit to wales(hopefully) and to the beach where 700 people were martyred, Jesus must show up there alot. we are going to get an impartation. then we are going to see the sites, the people, the beauty. we are back in london area for a wee bit, then off to germany to herhut. we are going to the church where the 100 year prayer movement happened with the moravians. im excited about that, the presence of God that must be in that place. wow! and then im back for a day, then off to africa. wow, this will be amazing. im so excited. my life is changing. I will never be the same. Jesus is rockin me alot right now. It was interesting, this morning i met with a friend that i havent seen in 2 years and we talked, had some laughs but it was amazing to see how much i have changed and where i have stayed the same. Im glad that im different but also im me. so i just wanted to really write about my upcoming adventure.


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