Monday, January 15, 2007

God loves ugly

God loves ugly
He takes it and turns it into something beautiful.

God loves me, even when im ugly. He sees everything. everything! not one thing goes unseen. He's telling me that im beautiful no matter what, He thinks im beautiful.

im realising so much more everyday, of how weak i really am. no, you dont get it. i really am. im so small. i have these moments when my eyes are closed and i litterally feel so small and the world around me, everything is so big, and im super small. it is wierd. anyways. im just being as transparent as i know to be. i got issues. but we all do. i screw up sometimes, actually probably alot. im not always Christ like, although i wanna be, im not. i have bad thoughts sometimes. occasionally i judge people, and speak bad about them. i recently lied in a job interview, and then turned it down when they offered it to me because i lied. and im not sure what possessed me to do that, because i dont believe that i have ever done that. crazy. im weak. im really weak, and the more i know of my weakness, the more desperate i get for my King, my sweet sweet Jesus. the more i realise that i need so much more grace and mercy in my life. and the more i get, the more i can give away.


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