Monday, May 08, 2006

bridget jones moments

"hey jason do you still want to get your thingy pierced"
(priscilla yelling to jason in a crowd of brazilians on a missions trip, of her curiosity of him still wanting a strange part of the ear pierced)

"I love brazilian balls they are so much bigger than american balls"
(priscilla once again on the brazil trip so gloriously sharing her opinion of the tapioca pudding balls, to Jeff Dollar and Jason and other pastors)

"I love caulk especially when it gets hard"
(priscilla again expressing her likes, but not coming out right, to a guy she liked, that she was with in home depot not facing her, and she not facing him, and he thinking she said something else, especially when he saw the look of disgust on the older couples face beside her, and it didnt help I had in my hand a caulk gun stroking it) really people I seriously wasnt even thinking that way, I was totally innocent in all of those remarks!

"im thankful that I am single"
(priscilla at a christmas dinner with all married couples, after all had already expressed in the mic. that they were thankful that they were married, and i was trying to be funny, I got nothing it was a tough crowd and definetly a bridget moment)

"im thankful I have all my teeth'
(priscilla trying to redeem herself being funny at the same dinner party, and being the only one to get a second chance, and the silence was even more akward than before, they still gave me nothing)

I have so many more moments that this could go on forever and Im going to take a bath to forget all my obnoxious, and dumb moments...wish me luck...for some reason I dont think it will help!


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