Sunday, May 07, 2006


Ive been getting revelation of time and waiting. Papa was talking to me this morning about waiting and about another truth of hunger. It is true that hunger makes you desperate to go after the things you want, whatever that may be. But Papa told me this morning that, that was only partial truth, there was more to build on. He started talking to me about waiting on Him and what that looks like. He told me that another part of hunger was "how long you wait will determine how hungry you are, and how much you desire what it is that you want" And that is true, the longer you wait, the more hungry you get, and when the time comes to get what you want, your hunger will drive you, will get you there. That waiting produces life, even when you are doing nothing, b/c it is a seed(promise) you are waiting on, it grows on its own, there is life and when it is time it will come and it will be perfect. Also that when impatience comes in(i know of it well)that it can slow down the process of getting what you desire, actually waiting for His timing makes it faster. When you get impatient you try and do things on your own, you try to make it happen, which is a time machine taking you backwards instead of forwards. How long will you wait? Also time test your heart, what you really want! When most people want something they will only wait so long, and when it doesnt come or happen they move along to the next thing, it is much easier to do. But if you really want something you will wait, time will test your true desire! Waiting is perservering, perserverance produces character and character hope and hope does not disappoint.

I am still processing what I have just written about, I have only gotten all of this in the last 3 days. But I know that this is from God, especially how it has affected me, b/c I do not talk like this and for all of you who know me, know this is true. I feel the excitement about waiting for the greatness of God. I know that if I wait, I will eventually see His glory...

OMG....I just got more of the revelation!
Actually waiting is faith, faith that God is faithful. This is what pleases God, this is what got Abraham in the wall of faith so to speak. He waited and in his waiting God was proved faithful. Then enemy doesnt want us to wait, He doesnt want us to have faith. Paul says that the only fight we have to fight is the good fight of faith, to believe. The only sin under the new covenant in unbelief. If He can get us in this microwave culture of getting everything now, then when God asks us to wait, we think that it isnt God, b/c we are so use to getting everything now, when we want it. Becasue it is always easy we think that God is in it. But good no, great things come to those who wait, who have faith. To wait you have to believe, you have to have faith. If the enenmy can get us to believe that we should have everything when we want it, then where is the faith in that. time will test your faith, do you believe? Im not saying that everything in life is like this but I believe this is part of a greater truth. God is the same today, yesterday and forever. If Abraham had to wait, then why wouldnt we have to do the same. There is something in the waiting, in the process of waiting, it is true, it builds character and character hope which does not disappoint. If we believe, if we have faith, then the waiting shouldnt be so hard. If we truly know that God is God and faithful, true, good, to the core of who He is, then the waiting wont be so hard. Because we know that He will do what He says He will do. Abraham hoped against all hope and did not waver, but believed in the promise that was spoken to him, when all things shouted it isnt truth, he believed and in the end was proven will produce the greatest fruit of all time, it will prove the promise true!

So will you wait, will you believe, when all odds are against you, will you stand on the truth? Will you wait to see the fruit of it...I guarantee if you do you will see the promises fulfilled in His perfect timing!

I feel like I am getting so much more on this, but I am tired of if you want to know more of this revelation...uuummmmm go ask Holy Spirit!


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