Monday, May 29, 2006

ok crazy.

today mal and i sat outside of fido's. a small londonesque cafe in the village. i sat there patiently awaiting mal to start working, knowing that she would never work with me there. haha. what a joke. so minutes go by and mal never works and says, who am i kidding im not gonna do any work. haha. we laughed more. well as we sat there talking, these 2 guys walked out, sat to the table next to us. time went by, a conversation is started. they were cool, one in law school and the other a photographer. we were going on about myspace, and the photographer saw my myspace pic and asked if he could a shoot of me. wow, im thinking. i didnt answer right away, all my insecurities came up in a second it was all there. will i measure up to all the others? was the question i asked myself. will the pics turn out good? will it be a waste for him? it made me nervous. so i looked at his work, he works for some magazines and has amazing work. so sfter some thought i told him that i would. so he gave me his number to call him. so we will see what these turn out like. im excited about it though. what a compliment. someone who professionally captures beauty in a moment asked to take my picture. im not sure why, but he did. im sure he saw HS. that had to be it, b/c i saw pics of the other girls he took and they were beautiful. well, crazy, but it is gonna be fun i think. ok. im tired and im gonna take a nap.


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