Saturday, June 03, 2006

come away with me

well here I am in redding after a great dinner with Danny and Sheri, man o man how I miss them. We just had a talk about life destiny aannndddddd..... who's life and destiny were we talking about, well mine of course. questions such as are u married yet or on your way to be married? what are you doing with your life, where is your life going? I should always be prepared for such questions they are always asked when u go back home. people want to know but they are questions u are trying to answer yourself, well obviously i dont have the answer to those questions or you would see the fruit of it. there is so much im realizing in this weekend. i have tried to find approval from peeps that i love and value in my life but the only person I need to have approval from is HS. THAT IS IT. dont get me wrong i want a blessing but I am not waiting for life to begin, for someone to come and tell me "priscilla you need to be doing this or that" I dont have the time to waste. im tired of people telling me to get a regular job and be responsible, what they think is responsible. and at the same time they say "do what makes you come alive" well let me tell you that a job that ties me down to a a life that has no purpose is not what makes me come alive. do you want to know what makes me come alive, people that are hurt, broken, the children that are hungry and prostitues that need Jesus, people who are hungry to know the more of God in thier life, people who arent willing to settle for the everyday norm, people who are searching for what is real. that atmosphere is what makes me come alive. i dont want to be part of a church movement, i want to be part of a God movement, part of a people that are so sold out for Jesus that thier life is nothing to consider for the cost. what makes me come alive is people that need love. what makes me come alive is following my heart and following HS. the only thing I am responsible for is being obedient to HS, is doing what He asks me to do. what makes me come alive is being a part of, in the middle of what HS is doing. THAT IS WHAT MAKES ME COME ALIVE!!!

I have been doing what I thought HS should want me to do and not what He really wants me to do. I felt like He asked me a question today, He said will you come away with me? and i said yes, no matter what this looks like, i will follow you, I will come away with you HS, what do you want me to do? I feel like im moving somewhere, although Im not sure where yet, i think that it will be out of the country and Im excited. Im waiting for Him to tell me where, or maybe He is waiting for me to tell Him where. where ever it may be im sure that divine appointment will happen, im sure that He will create opportunity for Himself to show up and be made known to the world. Im sure that this is it.

i hear you calling my name when i least expect it
i hear you calling my name when I least deserve it
i hear you calling my name come away with me

i fee l the love in your eyes when i least expect it
i feel the love in your eyes when i least deserve it
i feel the love in your and its washing me clean eyes come away with me

come and dance a dance with me
come and dance a dance with me a dance of freedom

come and sing a song with me
come and sing asong with me a song of freedom

come and live a life with me
come and live a life with me a life of freedom

come away with me
come away with me


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