Tuesday, January 30, 2007

im not sure

what is happening? im not sure. i dont know yes, and i dont know no. im floating somewhere in between and im not familiar with that. im usually such and all or nothing type of person. so to be in limbo is so unfamiliar. i like the idea of it, and maybe possibly im interested in this person, but i dont know. i thought that was interested but now im not so sure. we have talked alot and hung out a few times, one date. i just dont know. not like that is something uncommon in my life, im not sure about alot of things. the only thing im completely sure about is God's love for me. i know that beyond any shadow of any doubt. He loves me. He loves me. He loves me. He loves me. im for sure about that. i need to know more right now that you love me Jesus. i need to know that no matter what happens that you love me. i need peace, i need grace. i need your love more right now than i have ever known before. i need to know that. i feel very vulnerable and very weak. i feel that the place that i am in, i can go two different ways. i can either get completley swept off my feet by a man, or be completely hard and build walls that no one but God could knock down. and i dont know which way that i want to go. i know that love is worth the risk of getting your heart broken, and that in the end it will all work out. but i also know that it hurts like hell and there are no guarantees when it comes to situations like this. life has proven it. im scared to put my heart out there again, but i think that it has already started on a path of its own. how do i get in these places. i have serious issues. i really do. i need alot of healing and a lot of love. a lot more than what i have now. i need more of Jesus in my life. i feel desperate for Him but im not sure of how i go about getting more of Him. im not sure how to do anything right now. im just not sure.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are my blog friend. I am so glad you write on here! I was at church when you called, but lets try this weekend some time and when can you come visit me? I would pay half a plane ticket, its only like $100 round trip. come and pray with me!!!

1/31/2007 11:48 AM  

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